New Release: FIELDBOSS 3.0 for Elevator Contractors

December 11, 2018
4 min read

FIELDBOSS 3.0 is our latest release specific to

elevator contractors.

FIELDBOSS 3.0 includes several functionality improvements as well as a significant update to the platform that leverages the Dynamics 365 V9.0 update.

Major updates to the platform include:

Platform Separation

When Dynamics 365 launched, Microsoft made a move towards an app-centric platform. With the release of V9, Dynamics 365 breaks the modules into role-based apps for sales, finance & operations, customer service, talent, field service, and others. By moving away from one platform with modules hardwired in, Microsoft removes the need to test all at once and upgrade everything in one enormous project. This will speed up release cycles by allowing the modules to work independently of each other, but still remain connected with a common data service.  The user will see an uninterrupted flow of improvements in the same way that apps on a tablet or mobile device are updated.

Multi-Select Option Set

Drop down selection lists have been available since CRM v4 but until now, the native functionality of Dynamics 365 / CRM only enabled a single selection from an option set field. With the release of V9, MultiSelect Option Sets are available as a field type. This means you will have one field with a list of options and you can select more than one option from the list.

Refreshed Web Client User Interface/Unified User Interface (UUI)

Microsoft has previewed its new Unified User Interface (UUI) that adapts to the device or screen in use to provide a consistent experience across web, Outlook, mobile and tablet. This revamped interface is designed to address a series of customer feedback requests such as text wrapping for field labels and values, removal of excess white space, extended theme capabilities, and standardized fonts. Further enhancements as part of the UUI include:

  1. Skype for Business presence indicator across all supported web browsers
  2. OneNote create functionality will be available in mobile
  3. Improved dashboard chart filtering and drill-down – similar to controls previously only seen in the Interactive Service Hub

New Activity Timeline

The new Activity Timeline, formerly know as the Social Pane, combines posts, activities, and notes into a single feed. Users will be able to filter specific activity types and quickly see unread items.

Security Enhancements

Dynamics 365 system settings will now include a configurable maximum session length and an option to enable session timeout due to a predefined period of inactivity. In both instances, a warning prompt can be configured that will alert users enabling them to re-authenticate and make sure their work is saved. When a session expires the screen contents are blanked out.

Improved Advanced Find Rules

D365 v9 features more flexible rules to query related entities that do not contain data. ( i.e. Finding lead records that do not have any activities scheduled, or account records that do not have any opportunities scheduled.)

Continued Support for Outlook Add-in

In June 2017, MS announced the plan to replace Dynamics 365 for Outlook with Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. Microsoft received overwhelming feedback around the need for the Outlook add-in. As a result, Microsoft has now confirmed that the Outlook add-in will continue to be fully supported in current and future versions of Dynamics 365, and bug fixes will continue to be released.

Business Process Flow Dashboards, Grids, and Charts

This feature allows System Administrators and Customizers to create Business Process Flow dashboards, grids, and charts. This provides users a visual of the processes they follow to get work done rather than the records they would have to find to access those processes.

There are more updates and enhancements to the platform that are not highlighted in this blog post. And as always, we have also implemented several smaller improvements and fixes.

If you would like more information on FIELDBOSS 3.0, or have any questions, please contact us .

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